Monday, January 31, 2011


 Courtney had another ultrasound, the above picture shows Nevaeh (10m25d) looking at Mommy and wondering what the heck she was doing!  Mommy was looking at the monitor and I was looking at the big screen is wonderful!
Here's our little peanut resting on the yolk sac!  YAY!  The sac was readily seen via ultrasound on the belly vs. vaginally, like a week ago!  WOW! The fetal pole is measuring ahead at 5w6d, the sac is measuring right on track at 5w3d- perfect expected growth from last ultrasound.....YAY!!!!  This dates the pregnancy around 5w4d. The ultrasound tech even caught motion (but couldn't call it a  heartbeat yet) but was very pleased and said all was right on track!!!!  The next ultrasound is scheduled with OB on February 11.  At that appointment, the baby should measure 7w1d with a heartbeat for a healthy progression......PRAYING FOR YOU LITTLE PEANUT!

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