Friday, January 14, 2011


Courtney had an OB appointment today after a successful rise in hcg numbers.  He did a vaginal check and all is pointing in the right direction with good signs.  The main concern right now is a urinary/kidney infection (which plagued Courtney's last pregnancy with fact, all of the previous pregnancies).  Macrobid (sp?) merely masks over the problem for her, so this OB prescribed a different medication, Keflex, 500mg,  2x daily (category B drug).  Courtney goes back next Wednesday for another check to be sure the infection is gone this time.

The biggest concern Courtney has this time (since she is seeing a different OBGYN, due to a move) is that this OB refuses to keep her on one progesterone pill past 12 weeks of pregnancy.  The previous OB kept her on one tablet during the whole pregnancy.  THIS SCARES THE CRAP OUT OF COURTNEY, due to 3 previous miscarriages.....even though the previous OB did say that progesterone does nothing for the pregnancy past 10 weeks due to the placenta taking over vs. needing the lining of the uterus for nutrients....But he let her, in order to help keep her anxieties down.....This OB won't budge on this decision!  She is going to request a blood check on progesterone levels (after 12 weeks) for peace of mind!......Thank GOD he agreed to the Lovenox shots for the MTHFR blood disorder.  We are trying to keep in mind that this OB is actually one of the best in this area....otherwise Courtney would be searching elsewhere!


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