Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Courtney's HCG numbers are rising nicely from 92 to 224 (13dpo) I write the dpo, we are just guessing.  When Courtney went in for an ovulation check on Dec. 17, there was no sign of ovulation ....even on 100mg of clomid.   So she ovulated some time after that....we are guessing about 2 weeks later....time will tell with an ultrasound for exact date. She could be earlier pregnant than first guessed due to not actually knowing when ovulation occurred.  For now, we are holding onto the rising HCG numbers!  YAY!  Here's a picture of the hpt test that Courtney took before the doctor phoned in the numbers.  The wait was toooo much (at least for this grandma!).....With the pregnancy line showing before the control line and darker than the control line, eased our waiting minds!

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