Thursday, January 20, 2011


I found this website with an HCG doubling calculator:

I put this baby's first Beta of 92 and second Beta 224 = doubling time of 37.39 hrs.

I put Nevaeh's first Beta of 200 and second Beta of 6000 (7 days later)=  doubling time of  34.24

The doubling time is well below the normal 48 hour time frame, which is a very good sign! ...........  By the way, Mommy is very nauseous and sensitive to many smells, not to mention TIRED! But she is a trooper....taking care of your 10 month old sister and studying for National Board Certification in Occupational Therapy Assist.  She is taking the test tomorrow.  I am confident she will pass, but Mommy is worried sick!

Praying for you Baby Barnett....and you too, Mommy!

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