Sunday, January 23, 2011


Courtney had an ultrasound to date the pregnancy.  We were thinking she was around 5 weeks, but the gestational sac measured 4w2d (transvaginal check).  The ultrasound tech said that it looked like a healthy round sac for the "age" and not to worry.  If this is the case, then Courtney picked up the hcg on the hpt VERY EARLY....around day 5 or 6 after ovulation.   She set another appointment next Monday to check on the growth.  If all is well, then the gestational sac should measure 5w3d!  In the meantime, the ultrasound tech said to keep taking the hpt tests to ensure a nice dark line....if so, then the pregnancy should be progressing nicely....if the line starts to get lighter, then there may have a problem.....but before leaving, she reassured Courtney that all looked good! At the next appointment she hopes to see a yolk sac and fetal pole!  PRAYING FOR YOU BABY BARNETT!

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