Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Courtney had an OB appointment to give a urine sample after taking the new antibiotic for the infection.  Her weight and blood pressure was taken. Thankfully, Courtney's blood pressure is under control (without meds). This time she spoke with the nurse practitioner midwife within the same practice.  Courtney was a ball of nerves because she felt the other OB really wasn't concerned about her high risk issues.....This time, the midwife listened and gave answers and reasonings behind the answers to some of Courtney's questions/concerns:

1. Ultrasound is scheduled on Feb. 11, at 8:30 to determine due date.....especially since we cannot pinpoint ovulation.  With Courtney's low hcg numbers, the midwife is guessing she is newly pregnant and nothing would show up on the US for us to see other than the sac......No reason to give Courtney one more worry about not seeing a heartbeat.....because most likely it is wayyyyy tooooo sooon for that.

2. She is considered high risk, but this pregnancy is not giving them warning signs to do anything different other than progesterone and lovenox shots right now.  Even if they monitored her every two wouldn't prevent a miscarriage.....or promote a healthy pregnancy......these early stages are in God's hands ......since all other medical bases are covered with meds and shots.  We need to pray that this is a healthy pregnancy and we see a heartbeat at the ultrasound in a couple of weeks.

3. Courtney asked to stay on progesterone during the whole pregnancy like before (she even cried, while begging for it.....which I could tell softened this midwife even more  :-) ).....She did explain that the progesterone only promotes the first phase of pregnancy until the placenta takes over.....but she didn't rule the possibility out....So she didn't say yes and she didn't say no......she will look over Courtney's charts from previous pregnancies before making the final decision.  At least this answer was kinder than the one from the No Bedside Manner OB!

4. Her thyroid will be monitored with blood draws at each of the trimesters.

5.  At 36 weeks, she will be switched over to Heparin shots (2x day) ......stop the shots 24 hours before a scheduled c-section at 39 weeks.  This is different from her last pregnancy.  She stayed on Lovenox until a few days before a 37 week induction.  (Ohio has different medical rules and regulations regarding how early to do planned c-sections).  Now why couldn't the other OB tell Courtney this rather than leading her to believe he simply wouldn't listen to her concerns about the shots and the delivery?

Right now, we are in the waiting phase and praying for a healthy heartbeat on Feb. 11th !

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