Thursday, March 29, 2018

3-29-18, 8w3d- OB VISIT

Since Courtney is High Risk, they had her come in for another check up.  To her surprise, they gave her an ultrasound and GUESS WHAT......Baby Barnett is measuring right on track at 8w3d with a wonderful HB of 174!!!!  This was reassuring to Courtney because she has continued to have contractions but the doctor reassured her it is because of the UTI and not the baby.  The baby looks great.  He wants the culture to grow for a few more days before he takes a plan of action with this issue.  Right now she may just have to take macrobid, but he doesn't want her to take it until she reaches 10 weeks because the benefits do not outweigh the risks right now.  Courtney started taking Unisom to help her sleep (the one safe for pregnancy) and 2 cranberry pills 3x per day for the UTI.

At this appointment they took all of her history and also wants her to see a high risk fetal maternal  doctor on April 12th at 8:00 am. They also want her to take panorama prenatal screen blood test during week 10 .This will also indicate the sex of the baby once results are in (approx. 7-14 days).

Baby's due date is set for November 5th, 2018!

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