Monday, March 19, 2018

3-19-18, 7w0d- OB Visit and Ultrasound

Courtney was scheduled to see the OB and he agreed to Lovenox shots and the same medication regime that she was on with Nevaeh's successful pregnancy, however he switched her to the oral progesterone to be taken vaginally instead of orally.    She does one dose in the morning and one pill in the evening.

During the visit they gave Courtney an utrasound and baby measured right on track from the first hospital visit ultrasound.  Baby measured 7w0d with a heartbeat of 127.  This is a good heartbeat but not rising, and in previous miscarriages the heartbeat seems to stall around 122-127.  So she is getting nervous.  (

Hopefully with the shots and progesterone all will work out.   Also, we've noticed that the OB and hospital ultrasounds measure consistently on track and the elective ultrasounds consistently measure 2 days behind.

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