Saturday, March 31, 2018

3-31-18, 8w5d

Elective Ultrasound and Baby Barnett is measuring in consistently 2 days behind at this place.  In at 8w3d with a WONDERFUL HB of 178.  All looks BEAUTIFUL!

Thursday, March 29, 2018

3-29-18, 8w3d- OB VISIT

Since Courtney is High Risk, they had her come in for another check up.  To her surprise, they gave her an ultrasound and GUESS WHAT......Baby Barnett is measuring right on track at 8w3d with a wonderful HB of 174!!!!  This was reassuring to Courtney because she has continued to have contractions but the doctor reassured her it is because of the UTI and not the baby.  The baby looks great.  He wants the culture to grow for a few more days before he takes a plan of action with this issue.  Right now she may just have to take macrobid, but he doesn't want her to take it until she reaches 10 weeks because the benefits do not outweigh the risks right now.  Courtney started taking Unisom to help her sleep (the one safe for pregnancy) and 2 cranberry pills 3x per day for the UTI.

At this appointment they took all of her history and also wants her to see a high risk fetal maternal  doctor on April 12th at 8:00 am. They also want her to take panorama prenatal screen blood test during week 10 .This will also indicate the sex of the baby once results are in (approx. 7-14 days).

Baby's due date is set for November 5th, 2018!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

3/28/18, 8w2d

Elective Ultrasound and Baby Barnett is measuring in consistently 2 days behind in at  8w1d with a BEAUTIFUL HB of 163!!!!  Mommy even saw the baby's arm bud move!  In these pictures you can clearly see the head, arms and leg buds.

Monday, March 26, 2018

3-26-18, 8w/0d

Elective Ultrasound and baby Barnett is measuring consistently 2 days behind in at 7w6d with a BEAUTIFUL HB of 154!!!  The brain is developing and arm buds more noticeable!  Great blood flow around the baby!   

Saturday, March 24, 2018

3-24-18 7w5d

Another elective ultrasound Baby Barnett is consistently measuring behind but this time 3 at 7w2d.  But with a strong heartbeat of 140!!!  YAY.  (This was a different technician who may have measured differently....trying not to worry).

Thursday, March 22, 2018

3-22-18- Mommy's Birthday, 7w3d

Today is Mommy's 30th birthday- she had to take a peek at you to reassure herself that all was still going well.  As always with the elective ultrasound you measured 2 days behind in at 7w1d- with a HB of 132!  WOOT WOOT!

Once Mommy was put on her right medications to thin her blood, we noticed that the baby started thriving with a stronger heart beat.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

3-20-18, Elective Ultrasound- 7w1d

Baby Barnett is measuring consistently 2 days behind at elective ultrasounds.  This time no different measuring in at 6w5d with HB of 124.  Even though consistent growth is notices and arm/leg buds showing, Courtney is concerned with heartbeat.

Monday, March 19, 2018

3-19-18, 7w0d- OB Visit and Ultrasound

Courtney was scheduled to see the OB and he agreed to Lovenox shots and the same medication regime that she was on with Nevaeh's successful pregnancy, however he switched her to the oral progesterone to be taken vaginally instead of orally.    She does one dose in the morning and one pill in the evening.

During the visit they gave Courtney an utrasound and baby measured right on track from the first hospital visit ultrasound.  Baby measured 7w0d with a heartbeat of 127.  This is a good heartbeat but not rising, and in previous miscarriages the heartbeat seems to stall around 122-127.  So she is getting nervous.  (

Hopefully with the shots and progesterone all will work out.   Also, we've noticed that the OB and hospital ultrasounds measure consistently on track and the elective ultrasounds consistently measure 2 days behind.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

3-17-18 6w5d- HCG scare!

The second blood draw should have been around 10,000 and only came in at 6,500  :-(  Courtney was pretty discouraged and  chose to set up another elective ultrasound to check on the baby because she will not get to see the doctor until Monday!

Whew! Baby is consistently measuring 2 days behind at 6w3d with a HB of 127!!!!!  Right on track with last ultrasound.

Friday, March 16, 2018

3-16-18 6w4d- OBGYN VISIT!

Courtney saw the PA instead of the OB for this visit because the doctor was on vacation.  She agreed to progesterone 3x a day and lovenox injections 40ml once a night but had to get permission from OB for these medications.  Courtney was very discouraged because the doctor filling in was an old doctor of hers that refused to give her the injections in the past resulting in miscarriage! They started her on Prenatals with DHA and extra folic acid and the progesterone.  However, Courtney was right and the on call doctor would not prescribe her the lovenox shots. Courtney continued to take aspirin each day to thin her blood for the MTHFR since she had to wait to see the doctor when he came back from vacation. Other medications include staying on  metformin (sugars), methyldopia for blood pressure, Synthroid for thyroid and low dose aspirin. She stopped tramadol and lyrica for Fibromyalgia and Cymbalta for depression.   At this visit they also took a second blood draw for HCG, results will come in tomorrow.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

3/15/18- 6w3d

Mommy did an elective ultrasound for piece of mind.  You should be 6w3d but measuring in at 6w1d with a healthy heartbeat of 122.  Ultrasound tech said it is not unusual to measure slightly different at this stage.  We hang on to hope that the heartbeat is rising like it should.  :-)

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

3-13-18 Emergency Room Visit

Yesterday, Courtney made a doctor appointment with a new OBGYN for Thursday, but she started experiencing cramps.  So she went to the ER for a check up.  (Especially since she has had 7 miscarriages and only one live, healthy birth to date.)

They said the pain was likely due to the ovary (ring of fire) from releasing the egg plus she had a urinary tract infection and to follow up with her OB.  Baby measured 6w1d with a heartbeat of 114!  First HCG 5,622!

Sunday, March 11, 2018


OMG....several years later, Courtney noticed that she had strange cravings of food that she hates- EGGS!  First thing that popped in her mind was to pee on a stick!  Low and behold the second line appeared wayyyyy before the control line.  And all of this on the day of celebrating Nevaeh's 8th birthday!!!