Wednesday, September 21, 2016

7w4d- :-(

We lost the heartbeat! :-(   The fetus stopped growing at 7w1d. Praise God for our miracle baby Nevaeh!!!  Without her, Mommy's world would come crashing down......  

Sunday, September 18, 2016

7w2d- UGH

Nasty bruising from one of the lovenox shots .... She hit a blood vessel!    Mommy is getting into the critical phase of the pregnancy.... Weeks 7 and 8 are when the placenta starts to form and the yolk sac shrinks.....the shots help the blood flow through the placenta to baby. Of course number one is a healthy fetus with no chromosomal issues (which is leading cause of miscarriages before week 6) then there s a 1-5 % chance that something else can go wrong after the heartbeat is seen, such ad Mommy's blood clotting disorder ( MTHFR )!.....Prayers for this little bean!

Friday, September 16, 2016


Little peanut is growing right on schedule!  In fact one day ahead with a heartbeat of 122. In the picture below the circle is the yolk sac and the white area is baby!  The implantation is at the top of the fundus... far away from the cervix! At first the tech had the screen frozen for measurements and Courtney and I about cried not seeing a little heart flicker.... But as soon as the screen was unfrozen there it was!  All measurements and heartbeat are on track!!  

Thursday, September 15, 2016


Mommy- 28 yrs old. 


Text from Courtney....Well I think it is safe to say I am probably going to have one of those bruises on my belly like I got with Nevaeh! I hit straight into a blood vessel I even bled a lot for the first time ever after taking the shot! It stopped bleeding in good timing however I will be surprised if there is no bruise from it! .....Yep hasn't even been five minutes and it already started to show! .....For how thin my blood is it stopped bleeding pretty quickly! So that's good!......

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Message from Courtney....OB tried to tell me that I was doing fine without the progesterone and I told yea I am, but I always am doing fine at this point in the pregnancy! It isn't until a few more weeks that I start having problems! I don't think he understood that before! 

I refused to leave my doctor appointment today until he read my medical history when I was pregnant with Nevaeh and he still was not going to give it to me but I wouldn't leave! So he called Doctor Gapp in Kentucky (doctor I had with Nevaeh) and he gave in and gave 
me what I wanted even though he still doesn't think I need it. He also changed my blood pressure medication to methaldopa!  And he is worried about my sugars. I need to start charting sugars and blood pressure for him!

He wants to move my ultrasound date up to this Thursday, but they are booked.  Hopefully they fit me in. If not, we wait until next Thursday! 

Saturday, September 10, 2016

6w1d- YUCK!

Just when Courtney thought she was escaping a lot of pregnancy puking, she sent me this text....
I have thrown up a few mornings because of the way the back room smelled where the dogs stay or when I brush my teeth when I was neasous like a week ago made me throw up but other than that this is the first time I have been really sick!  Puking is no fun!!! 


Courtney's anxiety was getting the better of her, so she had an elective ultrasound with a private company!  WE HAVE A HB!!  An external (on the belly) ultrasound clearly showed our little peanut with a strong heartbeat of 122!  Mommy is 6w1d with a due date of May 5th, 2017!!  Here's a picture!  The baby is the top white area in the gestational sac. The bottom white area is part of the yolk sac! The yolk sac and gestational sac are all measuring right on track!!

Friday, September 9, 2016


Took to make sure HCG level was still rising now it says I am 3+ weeks! 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Message from Courtney during OB visit today.....Nurse told me to get undressed for a pap and he sent the nurse in to take all my prenatal labs! I asked her if they were going to take my HCG levels again and she said no because he was happy with the levels from the hospital and wanted to move on to the prenatal labs!  Now I am just waiting on him ..... Later, Courtney informed me that he put her on the same medication regiment that she had with Nevaeh's successful pregnancy: B12, extra folic acid- 3 mg.,and 40 mg Lovenox shot daily, prenatals and DHA supplement, levothroxine for thyroid, flexeril for fibromyalgia, 500 mg 3 x daily- Metformin and blood pressure meds!  Finally a Marion OB willing to try the same as her KY OB!

Next OB appointment is Thursday 9/13/16 at 8:45 and the ultrasound is booked for 9/22/16 at 8:30!!!!  This should date the pregnancy somewhere in the 7 week timeframe!  

Friday, September 2, 2016

3rd BETA!

Courtney was experiencing cramping and pinpointed pain....worried the pregnancy was in one of the tubes!  Ultrasound showed a gestational sac in the uterus and HCG was 3738 (September 2nd -guessing 4w6d?- actual 5w0d) ! HCG is rising every 41 hours!!!!  All is looking healthy and Mommy was put on macrobid ...which is safe during pregnancy!