Sunday, February 9, 2020

Milestones- 12 Months!

Isaiah is one! Wow the time goes soooo fast! I love watching him grow and it makes me so happy to watch him learn new things and hit his milestones! At the same time it makes me sad because he is growing up way to fast! I have looked up the milestones at one year and these are the ones he has mastered or is working on!
Movement Milestones
* Crawls forward on belly by pulling with arms and pushing with legs
* Gets to sitting position without assistance
* Assumes hands-and-knees position
* Creeps on hands and knees supporting trunk on hands and knees
* Gets from sitting to crawling or prone (lying on stomach) position
* Pulls self up to stand
* Walks holding on to furniture
* Stands momentarily without support
* Can walk two or three steps without support
Milestones In Hand and Finger Skills
* Uses pincer grasp
* Bangs two cubes together
* Puts objects into container
* Takes objects out of container
* Lets objects go voluntarily
Language Milestones
* Pays increasing attention to speech
* Responds to simple verbal requests
* Responds to "no"
* Uses simple gestures
* Babbles with inflection
* Tries to imitate words
Cognitive Milestones
* Explores objects in many different ways (shaking, banging, throwing, dropping)
* Finds hidden objects easily
* Imitates gestures
* Begins to use objects correctly (drinking from cup, brushing hair, dialing phone, listening to receiver)
Social and Emotional Milestones
* Shy or anxious with strangers
* Cries when mother or father leaves
* Enjoys imitating people in play
* Shows specific preferences for certain people and toys
* Tests parental responses to his actions during feedings (What do you do when he refuses a food?)
* Tests parental responses to his behavior (What do you do if he cries after you leave the room?)
* May be fearful in some situations
* Prefers mother and/or regular caregiver over all others
* Repeats sounds or gestures for attention
* Finger-feeds himself
* Extends arm or leg to help when being dressed
Isaiah has mastered or started to work on all of the milestones listed above! He is so smart and loving! He loves to give kisses and loves to cuddle! He is on the small side just like his mom always was! He is in size 12 month shirts/onsies however has some short legs and is still mostly wearing size 6-9/9 month pants!
He could walk all the time if he wanted too however he chooses to crawl just like his mommy did for six months after she learned how to walk! We have had to slowly switch him from formula to milk because milk hurts his belly however the doctor does not think he is lactose intolerant he says most babies have some kind of problem transitioning and he will get used to it! He is mimicking us more and more each day! He has said yay and bye bye once before but hasn't since so not sure if it was a meaningful word or just babbling! He hates the word no but he sure does understand it! He gets told no all the time because he has a horrible infatuation with cords and plugs! He is very smart and knows how to turn on his own music. He is now dancing to music whenever he randomly hears it playing! I can't believe you are a year old already happy birthday baby boy!

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