Friday, January 11, 2019


During today's appointment I had one of the episodes where my heart beats really fast (got up to 146 beats per minute)! It made me feel very funny! Made me feel like I was gonna pass out I made my body feel heavy specially my legs! Very strange feeling! However the doctor said it did not affect I Isaiah and he looked fine as a matter fact she said he looked great during the whole test! This past week and during this episode I noticed something strange (new thing that happens). My belly randomly pulsating my heartbeat in my stomach or rapid breathing (hard to explain)! Doctor said that it is from me laying on my back on my aorta and the is laying on my aorta and is cutting off blood flow so my heart is working harder to get blood flow to the rest of my body. I also scheduled my last 4 stress test visits (2 times per week) until c-section!!!!

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