Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Dear Baby Barnett,

You are developing quickly this week: Webbed fingers and toes are poking out from your hands and feet, your eyelids practically cover your eyes, breathing tubes extend from your throat to the branches of your developing lungs, and your "tail" is just about gone. In your brain, nerve cells are branching out to connect with one another, forming primitive neural pathways.

We are daydreaming about your gender, but your external genitalia still hasn't developed enough to reveal whether Mommy is having a boy or a girl (Nevaeh insists you are a girl...she calls you her sister already!). Either way, you are about the size of a kidney bean and are constantly moving and shifting, though Mommy still can't feel it, but we sure did get to see you wiggle on the ultrasound three days ago!  Made us smile! Mommy is looking forward to the day you are big enough to have your heart beat detected on a home Doppler (I bet she will be able to hear it in a few weeks, like she did with your sister!).... then later feeling those first flutters from you wiggling all over the place!

We love you!
Grandma Dason

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