Saturday, December 15, 2012


Yesterday, Courtney and Mike had a gas leak with their furnace! :-(.  Not only does it mean a new furnace, it also means she was exposed to gas fumes! YIKES!  The OB wanted her blood levels drawn for possible carbon monoxide poisoning ......THANK GOD IT WAS NEGATIVE! The hcg levels were also checked for peace of mind.....two days ago, the hcg was 2974..... This time it was 5687, which is a doubling time of 51 hours or 2 days and 3 hours.  Still within the normal doubling window of every 2-3 days.  As far as pregnancy symptoms, she has sore breast, headaches and minor nausea ....some smells do her in! LOL.  Her uteran muscles also ache, but no major pains or blood, so hoping all these signs are pointing to a healthy pregnancy this time!

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