Sunday, December 30, 2012


Baby Barnett is growing right on schedule! 7w5d with a strong heartbeat of 134. Our little one is 1.5cm long with arm and leg buds visible in the pictures (head up in top picture and head down in bottom picture). We even saw it wiggle!!!!! Top picture is a front view and bottom picture is a side view with yolk sac.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Blizzard of 2012

The day after Christmas of 2012, a blizzard brought a foot of snow, high winds and near zero visibility!  Mommy working in the medical field and Daddy in the police department meant no time off for them......but I was off for Christmas Break!  I am guessing Mommy will come here after work and spend the night, since it will not be safe to travel home.  Thankfully I just live down the road from where she works.  Daddy on the other hand, will be out all night in this weather...Yikes!

 I remember two other times we had a blizzard.  The first one of the blizzard of 1978.  It was the first time that the city schools closed for snow. I was in middle school at the time and loved every minute of it! We were snowed in for a week!  There was soooo much snow that the drifts covered our front door!  No kidding!  I found a picture on the web from this storm. You can see people standing on a roof of a single story building. 

 The second blizzard happened in 1983.  Our town was closed down for several days.  We had soooo much snow that the snow plows made really high piles on each side of the roads and it looked like we were driving through snow tunnels! Here's a picture I found off the web.  :-)  Gotta love technology!

We've had several other snow storms over the years with blizzard like conditions, but these are the two times I remember the storm being labeled a blizzard!  Now you can say that a blizzard occurred during your " lifetime" when you were just 7w1d gestation! :-)  (In other words, you are/were in the making!)

Thank goodness this snow storm hit after Christmas and not yesterday!  (At least in our neck of the woods!).  We are all safe and sound.....and warm!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Dear Baby Barnett,

You sure did make your Mommy smile when she saw you on an ultrasound with a strong heartbeat of 122 at 6w4d!!!! (see earlier post)... According to, this week your hands and feet are emerging from developing arms and legs — although they look more like paddles at this point than the tiny, pudgy extremities I'm daydreaming about holding and tickling! Technically, you are still considered an embryo with a small tail, which is an extension of your tailbone. The tail will disappear within a few weeks, but that's the only thing getting smaller. You have doubled in size since last week and now measure half an inch long, about the size of a blueberry or a bean.

You now have eyelid folds partially covering your eyes, which already have some color. You also have a tiny nose with tiny veins beneath parchment-thin skin. Both hemispheres of your brain are growing, and your liver is churning out red blood cells until your bone marrow forms and takes over this role. You also has an appendix and a pancreas, which will eventually produce the hormone insulin to aid in digestion. A loop in your growing intestines is bulging into your umbilical cord, which now has distinct blood vessels to carry oxygen and nutrients to and from your tiny body!

Mommy has been very lucky this time around with minor morning sickness...really more of a food aversion, which has been really hard for her around all of these Holidays foods! Speaking of Holiday...Merry Christmas little one! Today is December 25, 2012..... This time next year, you will be 4.5 months old!!!!

We love you very much!
Grandma Dason

Sent from my iPad

Saturday, December 22, 2012


Look at the difference in quality! Here you can clearly see the fetal pole and yolk sac, not to mention a defined measurable gestational sac! Our little peanut is measuring 6w4d with an estimated due date of August 13, 2013!!!! The second picture shows the heartbeat motion at 122 bpm. They do not listen to the heartbeat this early, rather they measure that beautiful little flicker on the screen in motion waves (see second picture). Courtney was pretty spot on in guessing she was around 3 weeks pregnant when she peed on her first pee stick!!!!

Thursday, December 20, 2012


Another ultrasound at the local place with poor resolution.....but at least we have piece of mind! She was able to pick up the heartbeat motion, but we could not hear it. Last week there was no heartbeat motion to pick up. She says that she typically can not hear heartbeats with her machine until 8 weeks and she doesn't measure the fetal poles this early either, due to the poor resolution. :-( Courtney has an ultrasound on Saturday in Columbus at a better place. We should know the exact due date then because their machines are the latest and greatest!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Very little sickness so far!  YAY....but definitely an aversion to foods.  In fact, the only things that taste good are Wonton Soup, Fruits and French Fries.  The oddest part of this....Courtney hates french fries!  Haha!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


The OB's office called today to confirm the good rise in hcg numbers from the emergency room visit last weekend. It is always reassuring to hear a positive from the doctor that all appears to be normal so far with this pregnancy. Next big step is seeing a heartbeat! PRAYING!!!!

Sent from my iPad

Saturday, December 15, 2012


These are the meds that Mommy has to take to keep this pregnancy healthy! Praying that the little bean is thriving!  Starting in January Mommy's insurance deductible starts over for the new year, which means HUGE out of pocket expenses on meds....$3000.00 for lovenox (one shot per day) and $500.00 for the Progrsterone (3 x per day). YIKES!!!!  Even after the deductible is met, the copayment is $250.00 and $75.00.  Still a YIKES!!!!  After a little online research....we found a Canadian pharmacy who fills US prescriptions .....$219.00 (lovenox 40 mg, 4 ml- 30 shots) and $100.00 for 100 tablets of Progesterone....Thats $319.00 for both, rather than $3,500.00 for both!  FRUSTRATING to say the least, but necessary!


This is how Mommy and Daddy shared the news with Grandpa Baker! :-)


Yesterday, Courtney and Mike had a gas leak with their furnace! :-(.  Not only does it mean a new furnace, it also means she was exposed to gas fumes! YIKES!  The OB wanted her blood levels drawn for possible carbon monoxide poisoning ......THANK GOD IT WAS NEGATIVE! The hcg levels were also checked for peace of mind.....two days ago, the hcg was 2974..... This time it was 5687, which is a doubling time of 51 hours or 2 days and 3 hours.  Still within the normal doubling window of every 2-3 days.  As far as pregnancy symptoms, she has sore breast, headaches and minor nausea ....some smells do her in! LOL.  Her uteran muscles also ache, but no major pains or blood, so hoping all these signs are pointing to a healthy pregnancy this time!

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Yes you read that right!  1 year and 10 months after her last miscarriage...A BFP!!!!!  Courtney was diagnosed with PCOS along with her MTHFR, many failed clomid attempts....even on triple doses!  :-(   She took a clomid break, but decided to try Metforim for PCOS.....and after a few months on Metforim.........on Nov. 29th, 2012 she got her BFP!!!!

Actually, she had pretty much given up on trying to get pregnant.....the wee morning hours of Nov. 29th, she woke up and had to pee......but ohhhh did it ever burn.......First thought was a kidney/UTI infection that she was plagued with during the pregnancy with Nevaeh.......Immediately she got out a pee stick........sure enough......a very faint line!!!!!  So faint, she questioned it.  After work, she was VERY uncomfortable, so she decided to go to urgent care for the UTI, but first stopped at Walmart for a First Response (Pregnant/Not Pregnant) pee stick.....even though they would most likely check for a pregnancy at Urgent Care.......They did check with a normal pee stick, while getting the same faint result.......While they were trying to decide if the second line was really there, Courtney took her own test from Walmart........PREGNANT!

With her PCOS issues and not knowing when she ovulated, and getting a faint line on Nov. 29th, Courtney was guessing she was around 3 weeks.  First hcg 220 (Dec. 3rd),  2nd hcg 503 (Dec. 6) with a doubling time of 2.5 days (within low normal range).  The 3rd hcg 1470 (Dec. 10)....still a doubling time of 2.5 days.  4th hcg 2974 (Dec. 12)!!!! Within the 2 day normal window of doubling time!

With the 4th hcg number rising nicely, the OB set her first appointment......but not until Jan. 3rd! UGH......not good for Courtney's anxiety over all of best for an ultrasound at the local private ultrasound's a picture....not the best quality, but definitely shows a little bean in the uterus and not the fallopian tubes.  :-)  Their machine was lower quality than the private Ultrasound place used in the they couldn't date the pregnancy for accuracy this early in the game.....We are all guessing around 5 weeks due to the fetal pole and hcg levels.......Putting a due date sometime in mid August!  :-)
See what I mean about the lower resolution? Our little peanut is that dot. :-)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Still trying for miracle number two!  Follow the timeline on the right side of the blog.  Once a pregnancy is achieved, I will start posting again.  Miracle number one (Nevaeh Grace) is going to be two years old next month!  She is a true blessing to our family!  Here's the blog I keep on her!  Follow us!