Sunday, February 6, 2011


The ultrasound shows a gestational sac and fetal pole measuring 6w1d with no heartbeat yet.  However, the cervix is closed, the blood flow to the sac is good, the sac is perfectly round (which is another good sign).  The tech said that it is still early for the heartbeat and not to worry yet.....and the bleeding stopped.  Mike mentioned the second spot in the sac, but she seemed to skim over that and not really talk about it.  Could it be two?  Is it possible to have two yolk sacs on opposite side of the gestational sac?  Curiosity has the better of me so off to Google land I go! .....So this news is much better than expected.....What an emotional roller coaster we are all on. The ultrasound tech said that the other machine used could have been tooo old to pick up the fetal pole or the fetal pole was too close to the edge of the gestational sac to be seen vaginally. The above picture is abdominally....God I hope that is the case!   I know we can not change the outcome and all is in God's hands.....We pray we see a heart beat (or two) at the next ultrasound!

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