Wednesday, February 9, 2011


No heartbeat and HCG numbers going down  :-(   Courtney has a meeting with the doctor tomorrow to discuss her options.  Natural loss or D&C.  I know this is an extremely difficult time for Courtney and Mike.

Having Nevaeh seems to make this loss a little less painful (or maybe just numb since this is the 4th time).  Knowing that she can get pregnant and have a healthy baby (with medical intervention, ie lovenox shots) sheds a different light on the situation.  Before we felt completely hopeless, thinking it just wasn't in the cards for them.  Now we know differently.  The first hurdle is making a healthy embryo.  The second hurdle is keeping a pregnancy with progesterone and lovenox shots.

I have no doubt that miracle #2 will happen sooner rather than later.  We will keep praying!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


The ultrasound shows a gestational sac and fetal pole measuring 6w1d with no heartbeat yet.  However, the cervix is closed, the blood flow to the sac is good, the sac is perfectly round (which is another good sign).  The tech said that it is still early for the heartbeat and not to worry yet.....and the bleeding stopped.  Mike mentioned the second spot in the sac, but she seemed to skim over that and not really talk about it.  Could it be two?  Is it possible to have two yolk sacs on opposite side of the gestational sac?  Curiosity has the better of me so off to Google land I go! .....So this news is much better than expected.....What an emotional roller coaster we are all on. The ultrasound tech said that the other machine used could have been tooo old to pick up the fetal pole or the fetal pole was too close to the edge of the gestational sac to be seen vaginally. The above picture is abdominally....God I hope that is the case!   I know we can not change the outcome and all is in God's hands.....We pray we see a heart beat (or two) at the next ultrasound!

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Courtney started bleeding (light pink), so around 4am on Saturday morning, she went to the emergency room.  Her cervix was closed, which is a good sign.  However the vaginal ultrasound showed a gestational sac measuring 5w6d that was empty!  What?  How could this be when a fetal pole was visible several days earlier?  Of course everyone is devastated and expecting this is an early sign of a miscarriage.  After a lot of crying, Courtney and Mike decided to do an elective ultrasound at the same place that detected the fetal pole earlier in the week.  The appointment is set for 12:15 on Sunday.  This way, Courtney can have a second opinion of what is going on.  Praying for a better outcome!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Little Peanut,

According to  your  nose, mouth, and ears that I'll spend so much time kissing in eight months are beginning to take shape. If I could see you,  I would find an oversized head and dark spots where your  eyes and nostrils are starting to form. Your emerging ears are marked by small depressions on the sides of the head, and your arms and legs by protruding buds. Your heart should start beating about 100 to 160 times a minute sometime this week — almost twice as fast as mine — and blood is beginning to course through your body. Your intestines are developing, and the bud of tissue that will give rise to your lungs has appeared. Your pituitary gland is forming, as are the rest of your brain, muscles, and bones. Right now, you are a quarter of an inch long, about the size of a lentil.

Your expected due date is Sept. 27, 2011......3 days past your Aunt Caitlin's wedding that your Mommy is in!  YIKES!  Since you will be born via c-section, the OB delivers at 39 weeks, which means your birthday may be somewhere around Sept. 20th, which is 4 days before the wedding! DOUBLE YIKES!!!  Mommy is determined to be in the wedding and not let her sister down!  She said, if I can go to class 4 days after a c-section with Nevaeh, I can be in my sister's wedding 4 days later!  I believe she can....she's a determined person!

Love You, Grandma Dason

6w0d PREGNANT WITH #2 AND.....

Your Mommy is such a smart one!  She just passed her National Boards for Occupational Therapy Assistant!  YAY!  You are a lucky little peanut to have her as your Mommy!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


5 hours of ice later and this is what we saw!  Luckily, the temperature went just above the freezing mark over night, which turned the ice storm to rain.....all was gone when we woke up.  THANK YOU GOD!.....With the wind picking up, it could have been devastating!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


This is the start of the 2011 ice storm!  We are suppose to get up to 1 inch of ice!  YIKES!