Wednesday, February 27, 2019



4 weeks old!

Still loves bath time! Drinks 3-4 oz bottles with no cereal. Mommy decided to switch bottles. He does much better with the NUK bottles!! Only he sucks better with the nipple(flat side up rather than down). He is also a calm sweet baby. Feeds, sleeps and poops. Eyes open for about an hour between bottles. Sleeps up to 6 hour stretches at night.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

22 Days Old-1st Cereal Bottle

Mommy made you your first cereal bottle. 3oz bottle with 4 spoonfuls of rice flakes. Tommy Tippee makes a cereal bottle with a cereal slit in nipples. He burped in the middle of the bottle and at the end. He loved it. Now let's see how it satisfied him!

3 weeks old!!!

Our little guy is 3 weeks old!  His actual due date was a few days ago!  Time is flying by!  Isaiah is 7lbs. 5 oz,  and his circumcision is healing quickly! These last couple of days, he went back to drinking 2-3 oz. of milk....we can't figure out his feeding.  He is a baby that drinks when he feels like it....definitely not a scheduled every 3-4 hours baby.  Doctor suggested we wait until he screams for a bottle even if it is beyond the 4 hour window.  This makes mommy nervous.  But he's gaining and healthy so this grandma is not worried.

 Mommy is 8 lbs below her pre-pregnancy weight at 127!!!!  Her c-section is healing but she has a knot where they caught her fascia and it is causing her extra pain.  :-(  Hopefully this will heal soon. 

Sunday, February 17, 2019

18 Days OLD!

This little guy loves his Zen Swaddle! He slept 7 hours last night!!!! Not even 3 weeks old yet!!!

Friday, February 15, 2019


Drinking g 4 oz bottles and staying awake a bit more during the day.


First time wearing his ZEN swaddle from Nested Bean!


This little guy took his first 4oz bottle at midnight last night and slept 6 HOURS!!!! Got up at 6:00am and drank another 4 oz. bottle!

Thursday, February 14, 2019

15 Days Old!

Ready for his doctors appointment. Fingers crossed he is gaining weight and prayers that his circumcision goes well. We may have a cranky baby the next few days! UPDATE.... This little guy weighs 6 lbs. 11oz.  Doc is pleased  with his weight gain and circumcision went well.  Mommy can take the gauze off during his next bath when it is wet and comes off easily.  Isaiah was soooo upset he guzzled a 3 oz bottle in 10 minutes.  It usually takes him about an hour to feed.  I'd be upset too.  At least he will not remember this!  Another update....He has been drinking 3 oz bottles this evening.  I think our little guy finally got on to this bottle business!  LOL

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

2 weeks Old!

This boy loves his bath time. So much he falls asleep!

2 weeks Old!

This is the first time that Uncle Andrew and Anna have seen Isaiah!  Andrew has been sick!

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

13 Days Old!

He’s Praying. LOL

Through all the constipation Isaiah had to stop and say a little prayer ( dear baby Jesus please let me have this big poop so I can feel better. Amen)

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Wednesday, February 6, 2019


This one week old little guy did not want to drink his bottles today. Lucky to get 1oz every 3-4 hours. So we took him to urgent care. As soon as we got there he drank a 2 oz bottle and turned around 2 hours later and drank another 2 ounce bottle with a big poop in between! His jaundice is within normal limits and his sugar is fine! All is well!

One week old!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

First Pediatrician Visit

Our little guy lost weight again, down to 5lbs 15 oz.  But doctor is not worried yet.  Said it is normal.  I looked back at Nevaeh's baby blog and her weight did the same.  This time he measured 19 inches long instead of 19.5.  They must have measured him wrong at birth because he surely can't shrink!  LOL  Doctor suggested he feed every 3-4 hours around 3oz each bottle.  We are not quite there yet...more like 2 to 2.5 ounces at a time.  Now we just have to keep him awake while feeding him!  Tricky!  He continues to be a very content baby and sleeps through most any noise....even his bath time!