Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

31 Weeks Pregnant! DELIVERY DATE SET!

Breach today! He has hair!!!! HB 159! Fluid level good at 15! 3.9 lbs. Measuring a few (4) days behind but doc not concerned! Pictures to come!
Mommy gained 9 lbs so far.
Has back pain so checked for UTI- sent off for culture.
C- Section on Jan 30th!!!!
8:00 am!!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

29w0d Ultrasound!

29w0d- Measuring two days ahead. 3 lbs 2oz. HB 143- Isaiah is head down and Mommy a few contractions over weekend- nothing timed. Mommy felt your hiccups this week!