Tuesday, August 28, 2018


15w0d-(Measuring 15w2d). HB 135, 4oz. 
Cute profile!
Two sweet feet!
Still a BOY!
Profile with hand!

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Sunday, August 26, 2018

Wednesday, August 22, 2018


14w1d- Measuring 14w3d. HB 146.  The tech measured the brain and it was the normal butterfly shape.   Today you were also measured by the head circumference, belly and femur!!  All perfect!

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Tuesday, August 21, 2018


Mommy can hear you move and kick the Doppler when she checks your heartbeat daily! Now she can hear you just above her belly button but finds your heartbeat just below her belly button!!

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Thursday, August 16, 2018


Mommy had the heart beat monitor on her belly and you didn't like it, so you kicked at it and Mommy felt your sweet kick!

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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

13w1d-IT'S A BOY!!!

The last picture says it all and in 3D no less!  No denying you are a boy! You are 13w1d (measuring 13w4d) HB 153, 3oz. and 3.5 inches long!  PERFECTION! Mommy and Daddy are leaning towards naming you Isaiah Michael, which mean God Delivers............The name fits you perfectly....will it stick?  Time will tell.  

 This 2D picture shows your cute profile as well as your long legs!

This 2D pictures shows your cute profile and a hand which you had near your mouth most of the time.

This 3D picture shows that cute little face- Two eyes, nose and mouth!

This 3D picture shows your hand covering your ear...Look at those cute fingers!

And finally- The moment we all waited for ....a 3D shot proving you are a BOY!!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Sunday, August 12, 2018

12w5d- Movement felt!?

Popcorn like movements felt- Still just those movements that you're not positive about but know you felt something !

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12w3d Pregnant!

12w3d- (Measuring 12w5d)- HB 151- This tech did verify that the placenta is anterior.  The last tech may have had the probe turned backwards.  Are you a boy or a girl....we will find out next week!!!!  The tech knows and so does Mommy and Daddy but we are keeping it a secret until the reveal.  In fact the tech is 120% sure of sex.  LOL


12w0d Pregnant- NT SCAN

12w0d- HB 158. NT SCAN- all is PERFECT!!!  Tech is guessing a boy... and said Placenta is posterior- not anterior. YAY- should feel baby moving earlier due to placenta placement.  Now we wait on the bloodwork.  Saying extra prayers that the bloodwork is normal.  Testing for Chromosomes issues.

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11w4d Pregnant

11w4d- (Measuring 11w5d). HB 158!!!! Placenta is Anterior. (Front).  Will act as pillow and Mommy may not feel you move for awhile.

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10w3d Pregnant

10w3d- Wow you are looking more and more like a little baby!  HB 160

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10w0d-Pregnant- fetal stage!

10w0d- found HB on Home Doppler within 5 minutes! Whew!  You are now in the fetal stage! All your organs and bones have formed and you are looking like a tiny baby with a big head!  Falling in love with you more and more each day!!

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9w5d Pregnant

9w5d- The next day....mommy could not find your HB on Home Doppler after receiving the antibiotics so she freaked out!  Off to UltraSona she went!  All is well with baby Barnett !  HB 170!  Below is an awesome  picture and it looks like the one on BabyCenter.com!  

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9w4d- ER VISIT

9w4d- ER visit - UTI- IV Antibiotics and sent home on antibiotics. This happened when Mommy was pregnant with Nevaeh at 9w1d also!   Baby is fine- HB found on home doppler!

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9W3D- Measuring on track! ( since consistently 2 days ahead- that's the dates I am going by now).   HB 175!  This was an important ultrasound for us!  We've finally made it passed weeks 7 and 8 where mommy has lost many of the pregnancies.  We are on pins and needles at each ultrasound.  Now that mommy can find your heartbeat on the home doppler, I wonder if she will still get soooo many ultrasounds.  My guess is that she will continue to visually monitor your growth for peace of mind!  Look at those cute arms and legs in the 3d view!  Are you a boy or a girl? Time will tell!


9W2D-Mark your notes I found the heartbeat on the Doppler just now it is so small still that it was not real loud but definitely baby could tell the difference for sure! 

8w6d Pregnant!

8w6d- Measuring 9w1d.  HB181!  First 3D pictures!

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8w4d- Pregnant!

8w4d (Measuring 8w6d)- HB179. Lots of movement!

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8w2d Pregnant

8w2D- (Measuring 8w4d). The baby was moving ALL around and heartbeat 182  .  She said it is a little under an inch......two pinky nail sizes put together !

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8w0d Pregnant!

8w0d- HB171. (HB185 when baby moved). Measuring 8w2D!!!! We even saw a foot ( rather than buds). 

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7w5d- High Risk OB VISIT

7w5d ( Measuring 8w0d) HB167. Arm/leg buds visible and black spot on head is the brain forming!

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7w3d Pregnant!

7w3d- HB 173.  (Measuring 7w4d)  You can see the arm and leg buds forming!

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7w0d- Pregnant!

7w0d. HB 160!! (Measuring 7w1d). We saw a twitch!! 

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6w5d- HB 145. (Measuring 6w6d). :-) 

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6w2d Pregnant!

8/30/18- HB130, 6w2d (measuring on track). 

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Mommy found out that she has a translocation of chromosome 13 and 6.  She has enough of all the chromosomes but two are in switched locations, thus it is like throwing dice that the chromosomes line up during pregnancy...along with her blood disorder MTHFR for which she takes lovenox shots for.  Thus the reason for so many miscarriages.  

Here we are trying again....8 miscarriages later.....praying the chromosomes line up like it did for our miracle baby Nevaeh who is now 8 years old!!!

May 10 last period - ovulated late  on May 31 st.
Mommy complained of ovarian pain on May31st.
Tested on June 7  (7 dpo) with positive- 3 weeks pregnant. ???  
June 11- HCG (11dpo) 142.  Thinking 3w4d
Tested again on June 15th. - 4w1d should be at least 562.... was 335. 74 hours doubling time.   Dr. was  concerned  but said it was  still doubling in the normal window of time.  He didn't want to do another HCG.  He said the heartbeat at six weeks will tell us more.

6/28/18- 6w0d (measuring 6w2d). HB 125. Due date 2/19/19!  YAYAY!!!!  Let the prayers begin!

Mommy's beginning weight is 135.

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